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Legislature '99 Archive


Study says
curtail gaming. The
National Gambling Impact Study Commission says gaming has been
an economic boon but a bane to those victimized by its promise
of easy cash.
Las Vegas Review-Journal, Saturday, June 19, 1999
By Tony Batt, Donrey Capital Bureau
[To read the
entire article, click on the dice.]
Read the Government
(Editor's note: It appears that the NGISC website has been taken
down. Just as well. The gambling industry neutered its results.)

seeks vote on gaming tax hike
A lawmaker says the gaming tax rate hasn't risen for 10 years, but
critics say that's no reason to raise it.
Las Vegas Review-Journal, Sunday, April 25, 1999
By Jane Ann Morrison
[To read the
entire article, click on the dice.]

Wynn's art tax loophole will become a budgetary hemorrhage. Senate Bill 521 makes a bad situation
worse. The Nevada Tax Commission, following the mandates of the
1997 law and normal rulemaking practices, defined tax exempt
art as that which is non-functional. This bill changes all that
so that just about anything might qualify as art.
[To read the
entire article, click on the dice.]

Waffles While Wynn Wins Again
Bad news for taxpayers on many fronts. In Reno on the evening of April
6, Nevada Gov. Kenny Guinn (R) addressed the Washoe County Democratic
Central Committee. He focused mostly on the state's budgetary famine
in times of plenty.
[To read the
entire article, click on the dice.]

Fight to get Nevada casinos to pay a fair share "Nevada is the fastest growing state
in the nation with the lowest gambling industry taxes in the world.
Then why can't state and local governments pay their bills?"
Andrew Barbano's testimony before the Nevada State Senate Committee
on Taxation regarding Senate Bill 88.
[To read the
testimony, click on the dice.]

democracy and let casinos rule by memo
Teachers' tax petition questioned.
[To read the
testimony, click on the dice.]

heralds horror of plan to raise gaming tax Foes
warn that a proposal would jeopardize jobs and advocates claim casinos
aren't paying their fair share.
Las Vegas Review-Journal, Wednesday, March 10, 1999
By Ed Vogel, Donrey Capital Bureau
[To read the
entire article, click on the dice.]

City newspaper endorses Neal gaming tax hike Nevada's capital city newspaper, the Carson
City Nevada Appeal, has endorsed Sen. Joe Neal's proposal to hike
the gross gaming tax on the state's largest, most profitable casinos.
The Appeal is the first daily to endorse the proposal, joining Nevada's
two alternative weeklies, Las Vegas City Life and the Reno News &
Review. This comes on the heels of news of a record January for Reno-Sparks
casinos and a 16.6 percent gain for Nevada gambling over January of
1998. The January win statewide totaled $807.2 million, according
to the Nevada Gaming Control Board.
"January was the first time clubs went over $800 million
in any month since the board started compiling the monthly win
reports in 1983," according to the Associated Press.
Carson City Nevada Appeal, Thursday, March 11, 1999
[To read the
entire article, click on the dice.]
(EDITOR'S NOTE This link
may not load. The Tahoe.com chain has changed its web configuration
in the past few years. Sorry. If you want to see the piece, I'll send
it upon request.)

Gambling wizards
work their magic, make tax bill disappear.
Las Vegas Business Press, March 15,
Jeff Schweers
[To read the
entire article, click on the dice.]
link may not load. LVBP and CityLife have changed their web configurations
several times in the past few years. Sorry.)

City citizen backs tax hike Time
for Legislature to raise gaming tax.
Carson City Nevada Appeal, Wednesday, March 17, 1999
Opinion, by BUD HARRIS, Carson City
[To read the
entire article, click on the dice.]
(EDITOR'S NOTE This link
may not load. The Tahoe.com chain has changed its web configuration
in the past few years. Sorry.)
on the dice for links to more information. |




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